Mailing Address: 88 Glocker Way, Suite 258 Pottstown, PA 19465

Be the Best on the Field

Achieve Athletic & Academic Success

Developing Future Champions

Two Basketball Players

Enroll in Our Athletic Program

Realize your full potential in sports and academics with help from MGM Sports Academy. Our athletic program, MGM Sports Academy, allows post-high school graduates to participate in football and enhance their eligibility for post-graduate education. The program motivates athletes and improves their grades and personal management skills, which are vital to their future success.

Helping You Seize Opportunities

We offer the following to help athletes secure admission to secondary education.
  • Teaching
  • Tutoring
  • Testing
  • Highlight Film
  • Recruitment Contacts

We Employ Certified:

  • Athletic Trainers
  • Speed, Flexibility, Strength, Conditioning, & Sports-Specific Coaches
  • Sports Medicine Physicians

Helping You Seize Opportunities

We offer the following to help athletes secure admission to secondary education.
  • Teaching
  • Tutoring
  • Testing
  • Highlight Film
  • Recruitment Contacts

We Employ Certified:

  • Athletic Trainers
  • Speed, Flexibility, Strength, Conditioning, & Sports-Specific Coaches
  • Sports Medicine Physicians


Learn more about our athletic program.
  • Athletics Change the Outcome:

    • A positive correlation exists between high school athletic participation, education, health, and future success.
    • High school athletes are highly successful in pursuing post-secondary education and, ultimately, a bachelor’s degree.
    • High school prep and varsity-level athletes earned higher incomes when compared to those who did not participate in high school athletics.
    • Athletics contributed to positive health fitness, reduced participation in smoking and illegal drugs, and stimulated a health-conscious attitude when compared to students who did not participate in an athletic program.
    • Elite athletes are 49% more likely than non-athletes to be employed up to eight years post-graduation.
  • About The Program

    • The MGM Sports Academy post-graduate program provides athletes and their families with the opportunity to achieve academic success by building stronger college qualifications while improving and perfecting their athletic abilities and pushing their skills to the limit.
    • Our post-graduate program will set the standard every year for academic and athletic success with aspiring athletes.


    Benefits of Enrolling in MGM Sports Academy:


    • Earn higher scores and grades for college acceptance.
    • Build a stronger knowledge base and better self-discipline for future college success.
    • Have more time for physical maturity before playing college athletics.


  • Players Enroll in Their Local Community Colleges:

    • We provide academic support with board-certified tutoring and counseling programs. The competition is tough because every player enrolled is trying to impress the college coaches.
    • Our program eliminates the need to travel hundreds of miles away from home to play junior colleges or prep sports.
  • Objectives of the Program:

    • Enhance classroom abilities for college.
    • Provide guidance and tutorials to improve SAT and ACT test scores.
    • Improve GPA.
    • Develop better study habits through mandatory study hall.
    • Provide individualized programs of study with computers and technology.
    • Gain exposure to a variety of college programs.
    • Improve sports technique through videotaping analysis.
    • Provide additional years of growth and maturity.
    • Enhance strength and agility in a supervised program.
    • Allow ineligible seniors to continue to play.
  • Academic Success Formula:

    • We stand for a cooperative partnership between academics, sports, and character development.
    • We provide each student with a Personal Education Plan (PEP) that details a strategic plan for their path to success in the classroom.
    • We will have certified teachers and tutorial programs.
    • We have a certified ACT and SAT Prep program.
    • Our program requires mandatory study hall attendance and periodic education conferences with advisors.
    • We stress positive sportsmanship, appropriate dress, and character development.
    • We host a series of speakers and self-improvement classes to help student-athletes become better students, individuals, and citizens. The classes include:
      • Social Etiquette
      • Public Speaking
      • Money Management
      • Anger Management
      • Cultural Diversity
  • Athletic Success Formula:

    • We provide sports coaches who are certified and have professional and academic backgrounds in sports. We also employ certified athletic trainers, sports medicine physicians, and speed, flexibility, strength, conditioning, and sports-specific coaches.
    • Attending our program will provide the athlete with a solid foundation of athletic skills that they will build upon and will allow them to succeed when they advance to a four-year college or university.
    • Through Fourth and Goal Ballers, Inc Recruiting Service, we will have access to every college coach at every academic level.
    • Our goal is for athletes to leave the program with an athletic scholarship to continue their education and athletic experience.
  • How Does the Program Work?

    • Student-athletes will attend the local community college.
  • MGM Sports Academy Provides:

    • Individualized Academic Education Plan
    • Tutoring/Study Hall
    • Counseling
    • Academic Advisor
    • Mentoring
    • Nutritional Counseling
    • Speed, Agility, Conditioning, & Strength Training
    • Life Skills & Character Development
    • Sports Scholarship Promotion Through Film Highlights
    • Career Counseling
    • Prep, Universal, & Junior College Tracks
    • Football & Basketball
    • 3 Unofficial College/University Visits
  • What to Bring:

    • Each student must bring his own laptop.


What You Need to Know About MGM Sports Academy

MGM Sports Academy is a program that develops well-rounded athletes with the skills, knowledge, and drive to advance in life. Get in touch to ask about enrollment or learn more about our program.

NCAA Regulations & Eligibility Requirements for Student-Athletes:

NCAA Eligibility Requirements & Academic Eligibility Rules
